outrageous historical fiction

some of which is actually true…

NEW from Carrie Hayes:

LONDON, 1877

Retired suffragists, VICTORIA WOODHULL and TENNESEE CLAFLIN are shrewd, attractive, and looking for husbands.

But their backgrounds are sketchy.

No one knows they’ve been paid – some might say bribed – a fortune to leave New York. That they’ve been accused of intrigue, blackmail and worse are details best left alone.

But when Victoria finds the love of her life, her prospects are threatened by a striking resemblance to a character in a story by Henry James.

Frantic to whitewash their past, she seeks Tennessee’s help, unaware that Tennessee is in the midst of her own struggle, consumed by an illicit affair with a Duchess who is not only married, but is also mistress to the Prince of Wales.

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"The War of Unpleasantness"